Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Woman's Guide to Watching the Super Bowl

This article is written for the woman that may find herself "stuck" watching the Superbowl with her man, with tips totally from a man's point of view for enjoying the game. There are times in relationships when men will put on a happy face, and go with the flow. Events like weddings come to mind.

In most cases, a man will learn that a wedding is woman's day, and the best he can do is smile and wear the clothes picked out for him, agree on the location and the guest list, and everything else associated with planning a wedding. This would include an extreme amount of patience and reservation with objecting to the excessive cost.

If you can understand how a man might support wedding planning, you can understand the importance of the Super Bowl. Whether his favorite team is in the game or not, the Super Bowl is more than an event; it is also the end of a football season. It's a day of happy and sad at the same time.

No doubt, if you are not a fan of football, this is a day of sacrifice for you, and if you can follow a few of these tips, you will help your man enjoy the game much more than he ever expected. Think of them as karma, and what positive charitable energy you invest in your relationship is likely to come back in ways you can imagine right now. Especially with Valentine’s Day right around the corner.

1. Positive Attitude

The game will start in the early evening and last for about four hours. Pre-game shows will start as early as 8:00 a.m., but you don't have to be part of that. For the next four or five hours, you should try to be happy for him, and happier that you are sharing this moment in time with him. You want him to want you to be there and share his day. Don't think about the boring game, think about the fun he's having and how you can make the day better for him.

2. Surprise Him with Some Football Boxes

Most men will have some football boxes, which do a lot to make the game more exciting, especially if they are not your man's favorite team. Just before the game starts, tell him you picked some football boxes, and watch his eye pop out of his head. You can normally find them at work, or a local pub you may frequent. Just ask around in your circle of friends where you can get some.

3. Eat!

The chances are good that there will be a ton of food for the game. Forget about your diet, tofu, vegetables (that aren't fried or stuffed) and participate in the gluttony. You don't have to eat 10,000 calories like he might, but 1,500 to 2,000 will qualify you as "one of the guys." You might even consider eating one of those super-hot wings, which can automatically get you in the man-club. 

On football days, it is perfectly acceptable and even preferred, to replace a napkin with your arm. Food drippings on your clothes are good style points too.

4. Contribute an Appetizer or Two

Here are two things you can contribute; even you have no idea about how to cook. The first is a shrimp cocktail, which you can get frozen at any supermarket. Don't buy the large size, buy the colossal sized shrimp. Think big monster shrimp for the big game. All you have to do is defrost them under running cold water. If you don't know how to make shrimp cocktail sauce, buy it in a jar and be sure to get some extra horseradish just in case your man likes his hotter. 

The second appetizer is a Warm Chili Bean Dip. I promise you, no matter what else is served. This will go before anything else, and it's simple to make.

  • Get two packages of Philadelphia Cream Cheese and let them soften on the counter for an hour or so.
  • Spread the cream cheese into the bottom of a glass or Pyrex baking pan.
  • Open two cans of Hormel Beef Chili with Beans and pour it on top of your cream cheese.
  • Cover the chili with a bag of shredded cheddar cheese
  • Microwave, uncovered, for four minutes or until the cream cheese is warm.
Serve it with a bag of Tostitos nacho scoops. This amazing invention creates the perfect balance of nacho and dip. It's yum-city, and you'll get massive bonus points.

5. Buy and Wear a Football Jersey

As a former football player, it was a tradition to give your girl one of your football jerseys. To a former player, and most men who watch football have played it somewhere. It can be extremely sexy because a man can't help but imagine you wearing nothing underneath. 

But here's the key:

Buy one that is super large and covers your body down to your knees. You can tuck it in for the game, but with Valentine's Day around the corner, you'll sure to get future value for your dollar. Buy a jersey from your man's favorite team, but one on sale works too. Just don't buy a team he hates, which will usually be a team in the same division as his favorite. NFL.com not only has jerseys but a whole section of football clothes for women.

6. Be the Bartender

Refill drinks as often as needed. The best way to do this is before the drink is empty. The perfect time to ask if you want another beverage is when there is one giant swallow left. He is likely to say "Yes," and gulp it down. You can drink earlier in the day, but if you are traveling, you should be prepared to be the designated driver.

7. Watch the Game

You don't want to be in the room reading, playing with your phone, or anything that transmits the signal that you are not interested in the game. Think of it like you are swimming underwater. When you come up for air, there will be tons of funny and entertaining commercials. These are not like regular commercials. They are like mini-movies created just for this game. You survive 5 minutes of watching football with 4 minutes of entertaining commercials. Keep your eyes on the TV, and ask an occasional question about what happened.

8. Tidy Up at Halftime

The NFL tries to promote its halftime show with popular music bands. Halftime for the Super Bowl is longer than it is for a regular game. It's a great time to tidy up the game center, and maybe the kitchen, take out the garbage, etc. It shouldn’t take too long, and it prevents a huge cleanup job after the game is over, which no one wants to do.

9. Go for an Occasional Cuddle

If all is going well, especially if you're wearing your silky football jersey, you might have an opportunity to cuddle up with your man on the couch. Go for it, but don't wear out your welcome. Remember, it's all about the game, but a little skin contact around the third quarter couldn't hurt. The single most overlooked Super Bowl food item is a dessert. Rarely does it make an appearance. 

Men don't think about it. He will probably be stuffed, but dessert provides a sweet balance to all the delicious fat and salt that has been consumed. You don't need a lot, and anything with fruit probably doesn't count. A Mississippi Mud Pie would, and maybe a Carvel ice cream cake shaped like a football, with plenty of those crunchy chocolate things. If fact, picking up some extra chocolate chrunchies would be a good idea too. If coffee is enjoyed, maybe a run out to Starbucks would be a good idea too. 

I hope this article gave you a new appreciation of enjoying the Super Bowl, and more importantly, your relationship. I welcome any comments or suggestions I may have missed.

Happy Super Bowl!

Corey Andalus is a freelance copywriter at Article Composers

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Legal Representation in The Dominican Republic

As a citizen or a visitor of the Dominican Republic, you are subject to the legal system of that country. The judicial system does not recognize ignorance of the laws. Legal representation in the Dominican Republic knows the judicial system and how to work through the legal process. 

This is an important reason to contact a Dominican Republic lawyer who has the knowledge needed to represent you in the Dominican Republic. Specific documents need to be filed in any legal case and generally they must be submitted in a certain time frame.

Whether your needs are in the area of commercial, entertainment or estate law, contacting Legal Representation in the Dominican Republic will eliminate errors that could be costly. Many of these industries have very specific rules and legal aspects affecting them. Being armed with the correct documents and knowing what you can and cannot do is crucial to conducting business as it is mandated.

A Business Lawyer in the Dominican Republic will also assist in Spanish Legal Translation. Merely speaking Spanish is not enough in knowing the translation of legal words during any transaction involving agreements and contracts. It is essential to be able to communicate and understand your rights during all discussions or negotiations.

Movies are scheduled to be shot in areas of the Dominican Republic using local residents for extras on the set. A legal representative protects the local residents by drafting agreements for pay. These contracts protect both the actors and movie producers and directors. It ensures the extras are paid as promised. Spanish Legal Translation is often needed for these types of agreements since the local residents speak primarily Spanish.

A Business Lawyer in the Dominican Republic knows the licenses needed for various types of small business. New businesses need start up licenses and to be informed of taxation that applies to their business. Whether the business is small restaurant or an Internet website set up to sale products or services, there are many rules and laws that apply individually. Some Internet sites are subject to International sales rules. A small business may also need permits if they are constructing a building or a laying a parking lot for customers. The lawyer will advise you in regard to payroll taxes and how to report taxes in a timely manner.

Immigration is a subject that is often in the news. Understanding the specific visas required when traveling should be left to a lawyer who has knowledge of this specific area of law. Immigration applies whether you are a resident of the Dominican Republic going on vacation in another country or you are an entertainer. It is imperative as an entertainer to understand exactly what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do when traveling overseas. A legal representative takes care of the documents to be filed and obtaining the visa necessary. He or she can also negotiate agreements or contracts for pay.

Artists who write a novel, compose a hit song, or create a painting need to apply for copyright or intellectual rights to maintain their original property. As a resident of the Dominican Republic, a lawyer drafts the paperwork, determines the intellectual rights, and submits applications for a copyright. A Business Lawyer for the Dominican Republic translates legal documents. A Spanish Legal Translator will make sure you understand entirely what you are agreeing to sign.

Dominican Republican residents know the rise of Internet and social media as well as anywhere. A person must know their rights and Internet rules. Internet business is still somewhat new for the individual. If you have a product or service to sell on the Internet, there are online sales and marketing agreements that keep the seller and buyer within the law. Knowing how to protect yourself will make selling on the Internet a smooth transaction. This is an area where looking for a Dominican Republican Lawyer is crucial. Spanish legal translation is especially important when selling or buying on the Internet where people from other countries are part of the customer base.

Expertise is needed in estate planning also. Last wills and Living Wills allow for peace of mind. Finding a Business Lawyer in NYC for the Dominican Republic gives this peace of mind to the family. The lawyer knows the local laws for executing last wills and can draw up documents for power of attorney if this is needed. Certain tax rules apply to estate planning and this is an area where you need a business lawyer who knows business and tax law. In this time of life, family needs to have time to grieve not try to decipher tax and estate rules.

Whether you want to negotiate a contract with a corporation or patent an invention within the Dominican Republic or outside of the country, look for a Dominican Republic Lawyer. If you start a new business by purchasing a franchise, you will need a Spanish Legal Translator to be sure you understand completely what the agreement involves. You may have to travel outside of the Dominican Republic to purchase items or attend auctions and may need a travel visa. No one wants to be pulled aside because they do not have the appropriate visa for their travel to another country. You may have a great idea for starting an LLC business. Knowing how to obtain licenses, pay taxes, and maintain your business according to local laws will make it a smoother venture.

Finding a Spanish Legal Translator is so important to understanding the laws and regulations not only within the Dominican Republic but with any country where you have a legal issue to resolve. When drafting agreements or contracts, the language must be understood to reach an agreement. This protects each party involved, whether an individual or a corporation. When looking for legal counsel, find a Dominican Republic Lawyer who is focused in the all areas of the judicial system of the Dominican Republic. The representative will be able to translate legal Spanish and assist you with any business or firm who does not speak Spanish.

About the Author

Cory Andalus is the President of Article Composers, a Professional Copywriting Service.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Clearing Sample Licenses

A reording artist in the studio
When you are in the music industry, you want to make good music without any kind of legal problems. No matter how new your lyrics and your sounds are, you have to be careful as to what kinds of rights you infringe upon. 

If you “borrow” a beat from another artist, you need to work with a music layer in order to make sure you have covered all of your bases – otherwise you could be facing severe copyright violations.

Sampling is where you take a pre-existing recording or a musical composition and use it within your own new piece. It may sound almost recognizable, but it is still someone else’s recording or composition that you are borrowing and therefore you need to clear the sample licenses.

There are two different copyrights that take place with music. You’ve got one for the sound recording, which is usually owned by the record label and you’ve got one for the actual music composition or sound, which is usually owned by the publisher. If you wish to sample music, then you need to clear copyrights for both of these –which involves obtaining permission.

If you fail to clear the sample licenses and you go on to make music using these samplings within your songs, it may be fine for now. If your music makes it onto the radio, however, all it takes is one person to recognize the sample for you to be in big trouble. You have infringed upon copyright law and the record label and publisher may decide to go after you in order to teach you a lesson – and protect their own intellectual property.

The fines and penalties that you would face against the infringement of copyrights have everything to do with the size of the label and how well-known the publisher is. Some are going to go after you harder than others would. In order to avoid these kinds of problems entirely, it’s best to avoid it – and get the permissions from the very beginning.

You will need to figure out what you are sampling from. This includes learning who the composer is, where the usage is, who the record label is and begin engaging in clearance correspondence where you can get the permission. You need to determine whether you are sampling from the master recording or just the composition. This will help you to identify where you need the permissions.

Agreements and negotiations will need to take place to allow you to sample the music in your own recordings. This may include a simple document to be drafted and signed by all parties and it may require that you pay for rights to sample – and this could include the original record label or publisher gaining rights to continue to profit from your music for as long as you continue to profit from the music using their sample.

Recording industry contracts and audio license rights can be extremely complicated, which is why it’s best to contact a music layer before you do anything. No matter how much you want a particular sample of music from a particular band, you may have to wait to get the permissions before you start stealing the guitar solo or the sound of the drums found in the chorus of a favorite song.

A music lawyer will be able to provide you with the representation you need to make sure that you have thought of everything. Even if you are a small band that has no record deal, all it takes is one good song to send you into the spotlight. And if that one song that’s sending you from the spotlight features sampling without the proper clearance, you are going to be finished before you had a chance to get started.

Clearing sample licenses is a necessary legal action to take. While it may be a little complicated to do on your own, it shouldn’t stop you from sampling music that you want to incorporate into your own. There is simply a right way and a wrong way to go about everything. Take the time to understand where your music is coming from so you can make the necessary requests.

You never have to contact the record labels and publishers on your own. It will be easier to get an entertainment lawyer to handle the contact so everything can be done properly from the very beginning. This will not only speed up the process but protect you moving forward so you never have to worry about someone coming after you for copyright infringement. 

About the Author

Corey Andalus is the President of Article Composers, a blog posting service. Learn more by visiting his website at ArticleComposers.com.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Causes of Hair Loss in Older Women and Remedy Options

A woman shocked she is losing so much hair.
Although hair loss is more common in men, women in their 50s and 60s or even an earlier age may experience thinning of their hair. It is a natural occurrence brought about by aging, but it something many older women have to worry about. It can be a factor that may disrupt every aspect of their lives, including their work and how they deal with themselves.

The understanding of hair loss starts with its growth. The follicle is the base of our hair, which is embedded below the surface of our scalp. At the base of each hair follicle is the dermal papilla that is responsible for regulating androgen hormones that determine the thinness or the thickness of hair.

Hair follicles have three growth phases, the anagen, catagen, and the telogen. In anagen, the hair is in constant and regular growth. The roots fill the hair follicle, and this phase can last up to two to six years. The catagen or the recession stage is when the hair stops growing but stays in place. Its roots are set in towards the epidermis that can last one to two weeks. The last stage is the telogen where the hair is already dead and hair follicles start to re-enter anagen phase. Once the new hair is strong enough, it will push out the old hair and the growth cycle starts again.

  • Dr. Donna Sergi is a leading expert on the subject of natural remedies for hair loss in women.
 Normal hair loss happens when 10 to 15 percent of hair is in the telegen phase. During intensive hair loss, however, 30 percent of the hairs are already in the telegen stage.

What are the Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Older Women?

There are many possible causes affecting hair loss in older women. Some women may have it temporarily, others permanently. Some may also experience gradual hair loss, while others extreme.

The most common cause of hair loss is due to hereditary conditions. Only 70 percent of women attribute thinning of their hair to their genes, although they may see noticeable changes after menopause. Compared to men, hereditary hair loss in older women is widespread, which normally affects from the top of the head to the middle area, sparing the most obvious part, which is the forehead and the temples.

Medical conditions also play a big factor in hair loss, such as pregnancy. It usually happens three months after delivery when all hair goes into their resting phase. This condition may not be serious, but it is important that nutrition is maintained to prevent further damage.

Autoimmune disease like Alopecia areata may also cause hair loss. Here, the immune system attacks and kills the hair follicles causing them not to reproduce any new hair.

Hair loss in elders may be associated with numerous health conditions. For instance, those who have type 2 diabetes have 30 percent chance of becoming bald.  The stress as well as the hormonal imbalance brought about by the illness can stop the hair follicles from growing.

The same can happen when an elderly woman has iron deficiency or hypothyroidism. Hair loss may cease rapidly and over a wider scope of the scalp. Hormonal imbalance can slow down metabolism, which in turn damages the hair follicles.

Poor diet is another factor associated to hair loss. Elderly women who are deficient in certain nutrients and minerals, such as Vitamin A and C, B complex, Biotin, Zinc, and Iron, may have vigorous hair loss. Since hair is made up of protein, those take who less of them will have fewer healthy hair follicles.

The elderly may be susceptible to hair loss due to medications, such as the ones taken for hypertension and various heart conditions. Because of their high dosages, these drugs may drastically destroy cells including hair follicles. A few of the drugs that can cause hair loss are Prozac for depression, Levadopa for Parkinson's disease, non-steroidal drugs for inflammation and pain, Tenormin for the heart, and many more.

What are the Treatments for Hair Loss?

Hair loss is inevitable, whether it be part of the aging process for older women or due to medication, stress, or poor diet. However, one thing is for sure, treatment for hair loss is not limited.

The number one treatment is through prescribed drugs, such as Minoxidil. It is an over-the-counter drug that is a foam-like substance that you rub into your scalp twice a day to help follicles regain strength and promote new hair. Finasteride is another medication that enables the production of dihydrotestosterone that shrinks hair follicles.

Surgery is another option for treating hair loss. A hair transplant is a procedure where new hair is implanted into the scalp, until such time they, too, begin to develop new sets of hair. Scalp reduction is also recommended where a surgeon removes a portion of the bald scalp and replaces it with hair-covered scalp.

Overlooked Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

Of course, there are natural remedies for hair loss. Older women can start by checking their diet. By having a balanced diet and ingesting more protein, they can give vitality back to their hair. Exercise and other social activities are other great tools for lowering the stress levels of older women, especially if they are living alone or fighting a terminal disease. 

Hair loss is not only a condition affecting older women, but it also affects their overall confidence. Luckily, there are many options that are now available to help regain not just their lost hair, but the various confidence aspects that their hair loss has affected.

About the Author

Corey Andalus is a leading freelance copywriter for Article Composes. Learn about their copywriting and blog posting services by visiting their website.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tips For Getting Back Into An Exercise Routine

Man Getting Back Into An Exercise Routine
Start Slow with Realistic Goals
While rest intervals are important for the body to recover after extensive periods of workout, an extended break from exercising even for a relatively short time reduces physical fitness. You may wonder what exactly happens to the body after a long break from exercise. When you take a break because of injury, illness, pregnancy, loss of interest, work or family-related issues, you will notice that your body has changed and does not perform well as it did before.

The physiological effects of exercising decrease over time, making the body revert back to its pre-workout condition. Strength may be lost by 10% after 8 weeks of non-training; your lungs lose elasticity making it hard to catch your breath again; your heart will work harder resulting in a rapid heartbeat; and possible weight gain can start after 12 weeks of an exercise hiatus.

How To Begin Exercising After A Long Break

Gaining your momentum back can be as hard as it was the first time you decided to start your workout routine.  Being a freelance copywriter, I don't get away from the computer too often. However, when I decided to get back on track, I found these tips useful:

  • Start Slow. If you have just taken a week off, the change may not be that significant. In fact, the break can even be helpful for your muscle to rest and recover, and you will probably come back much stronger. But, if you have stopped more than 2 months, you risk injuring yourself if you do too much immediately.
  • You will have the best results if you progress slowly. You can start by taking a 15-minute brisk walk around the block or even in your house. It is important that you build a habit and get into the right mindset of establishing a new exercise routine. And as you get more comfortable, you can increase your time frame to 30-45 minutes and make it 3 to 4 times per week, whichever you are most comfortable with.
  • Reward Yourself to Start A Commitment. There is no magic pill that can motivate and discipline someone to work out. More annoying are those who feel the need to quit when they are on the verge of success. For these reasons, it is important that you create a reward system to stick with your exercising commitment. Rewards can be as simple as treating yourself to nice dinner or dessert, or go extravagant with an hour-long massage.
  • Enjoy It. Many people give up their workouts out of boredom. If you don't enjoy your routine, it will likely be hard to make it a habit. There are numerous ways to make your workout more exciting. You can do it with an exercise buddy, either your husband, children, or friends to keep you motivated and going. You may also choose to look into hiring an NYC personal trainer, or simply choose the workouts you enjoy and look forward to doing the most.
  • Having a variety is another factor. Doing the exact same workout every day can lessen your gusto. If it's a beautiful day, go outside and do your routine in your garden, instead. If you have been doing a dance routine for a month, try Pilates or Yoga in between.
  • It would also be fun to keep track of your progress. You can record your weight next to your calendar chart where you can mark "X" after the day is done. You can also compile your own music and play them on your mp3 or iPod player to keep you energized.
  • Be Patient. Pushing yourself too much to gain back the body you once had before can be bad enough. Listen to your body as it will tell you if you have reached your limit. If you feel tired, fatigued, or your muscles are burning, stop and continue the next day or when you have planned your next session. Pushing yourself too hard can result in injury, which can lead you to another unwanted hiatus.
Continue Your Workout Routine. Once you get your momentum going, you become more confident and stronger. Eventually, as you go through your exercises, it can evolve into your own personal leisure time, instead of a dreaded routine. You will eagerly look forward to doing it and will be less likely to skip your workout. Just remember to take your time and have fun. Continue whatever works for you and getting back in track will be a breeze.

Corey Andalus
Professional Copywriter