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Start Slow with Realistic Goals |
The physiological effects of exercising decrease over time, making the body revert back to its pre-workout condition. Strength may be lost by 10% after 8 weeks of non-training; your lungs lose elasticity making it hard to catch your breath again; your heart will work harder resulting in a rapid heartbeat; and possible weight gain can start after 12 weeks of an exercise hiatus.
How To Begin Exercising After A Long Break
Gaining your momentum back can be as hard as it was the first time you decided to start your workout routine. Being a freelance copywriter, I don't get away from the computer too often. However, when I decided to get back on track, I found these tips useful:
- Start Slow. If you have just taken a week off, the change may not be that significant. In fact, the break can even be helpful for your muscle to rest and recover, and you will probably come back much stronger. But, if you have stopped more than 2 months, you risk injuring yourself if you do too much immediately.
- You will have the best results if you progress slowly. You can start by taking a 15-minute brisk walk around the block or even in your house. It is important that you build a habit and get into the right mindset of establishing a new exercise routine. And as you get more comfortable, you can increase your time frame to 30-45 minutes and make it 3 to 4 times per week, whichever you are most comfortable with.
- Reward Yourself to Start A Commitment. There is no magic pill that can motivate and discipline someone to work out. More annoying are those who feel the need to quit when they are on the verge of success. For these reasons, it is important that you create a reward system to stick with your exercising commitment. Rewards can be as simple as treating yourself to nice dinner or dessert, or go extravagant with an hour-long massage.
- Enjoy It. Many people give up their workouts out of boredom. If you don't enjoy your routine, it will likely be hard to make it a habit. There are numerous ways to make your workout more exciting. You can do it with an exercise buddy, either your husband, children, or friends to keep you motivated and going. You may also choose to look into hiring an NYC personal trainer, or simply choose the workouts you enjoy and look forward to doing the most.
- Having a variety is another factor. Doing the exact same workout every day can lessen your gusto. If it's a beautiful day, go outside and do your routine in your garden, instead. If you have been doing a dance routine for a month, try Pilates or Yoga in between.
- It would also be fun to keep track of your progress. You can record your weight next to your calendar chart where you can mark "X" after the day is done. You can also compile your own music and play them on your mp3 or iPod player to keep you energized.
- Be Patient. Pushing yourself too much to gain back the body you once had before can be bad enough. Listen to your body as it will tell you if you have reached your limit. If you feel tired, fatigued, or your muscles are burning, stop and continue the next day or when you have planned your next session. Pushing yourself too hard can result in injury, which can lead you to another unwanted hiatus.
Corey Andalus
Professional Copywriter